JavaScript Cookie Manager

An incredibly simple and lightweight library for adding, fetching, modifying, and removing browser cookies.



<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

To create a cookie, call the setCookie() function with arguments for the cookie name, the value, and the lifespan (in days). (To update a cookie, just call setCookie() again with the same name and the new value)

setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, cookieLifespan);

To retrieve the value of a cookie, call the getCookie() function with an argument for the cookie name. This will return the value of the cookie as a string.

var cookieValue = getCookie(cookieName);

To check if a cookie exists, call the checkCookie() function with an argument for the cookie name. This will return boolean true if the cookie exists, and boolean false if it doesn't.

var cookieExists = checkCookie(cookieName);

Finally, to remove a cookie, call the clearCookie() function with an argument for the cookie name.



Cookies icon by Icons8